Friday, March 30, 2007

I can't hold on

I left my house at 2 in the afternoon today. Here's what I did, in order:

-Eat Pret a Manger
-Smoke out in the Closer park with Adam
-Go to St. Pauls blazed
-Go back to the Cheshire Cheese, the oldest pub in London, to spy on the most attractive bartender of life. I had a glass of wine and a stranger gave me candy that I suspect was drugged. Literally.
-Walk to Namco Station, where we had 3 double shots of vodka each, and play video games
-Went to the Greyhound for a Strongbow and smoked the roach in front
-Had tasty Italian food
-Went home to change... and take a double shot of rum without a chaser other than a grape. Which is a shitty chaser.
-Went to Madame Jojo's (yes, keep laughing) and had 2 shots of absinthe each
-Had a confusing situation that caused us to take a bus we should not have taken. Out of frustration, we smoked another joint and elected to wander the streets of Soho and Piccadilly. Good times.

I just got home. Its 4am. This session of being fucked up began at 3 pm, lasted 13 hours, and was fueled by a joint, a glass of wine, candy from strangers, 6 shots of vodka, a strongbow, 2 shots of rum, and 2 shots of absinthe EACH. My life is ridiculous. I love it so much.

I love Adam.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today was basically the best day of my life. Heres why:

-I had Pret a Manger for breakfast.
-I got high in Green Park.
-I went to Buckingham Palace, Westminster, and Trafalgar while high.
-In the worst class ever I managed to finish an essay that had been hanging over my head while simultaneously rocking a little buzz from mid-afternoon drinking at a gay bar.
-I saw Avenue Q, SO FUNNY.
-I gave my phone number to some guy. For Adam. Yes thats right, I busted a "My friend thinks youre cute..."
-We got drunk on the street, had delicious fish and chips, and danced until 2 am at G-A-Y, the best club ever.
-At said club I met a man who was trying to get in with Adam by talking to me. He was in a musical theatre program in London (gay gay gay) and was QUITE hilarious. He said I looked just like some opera singer named Beatrice and refused to stop calling me that. So funny.
-I love Adam so much. I sorta forgot about that in the last few months. This summer shall be incredible.

Tomorrow will also be amazing. We are going to St. Pauls, my favorite spot in London.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Days go by

I am overwhelmed. Financially, romantically (if you can call it that), socially, academically, and life-plan-ly, I am overwhelmed. Nothing seems to go the way I want it to.

Adam gets here in less than 24 hours. I am so excited. I have a lot of work to do first.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

All we need is more factories

My life is in shambles.

I have made bad romantic decisions recently, and its coming back to bite me in the ass now. Oh well, Ill deal. Just feel a little bit like shit for awhile. It seems like nothing works out the way I think its going to - ever. And I always get fucked over. Sigh.

Last night some interesting things happened to me.

Some English guy asked me and my friends if we find English men ignorant (he was trying to sleep with Florence). So we responded no and I asked him if he found American girls ignorant. His response was an emphatic NEVER, to which I said "huh, I do... and I think youre full of shit." I think that response had the desired effect on his drive to sleep with Florence. Poor Florence, he was old.

Then I made out with a ridiculously persistent, but cute, Italian man. He invited me to Rome with him. Too bad he was the WORST kisser of my life. He was just straight up licking my face, and I didnt know what to do.

On the upside, all the laws of nature and physics say that I should be hungover, but Im not.

I have a lot of work to do.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dark eyes, dark hair, and looks that need a song

I suddenly remember why I love marijuana. And Jenny.

I rolled my first joint (I know, Im a huge poser) and smoked it under a tree in Hyde Park today. Lovely day. Then instead of exploring the park and finding the Peter Pan statue as planned, we sat down under a tree for a long time and ultimately got McDonalds... because we were too high for the Pizza Hut buffet. Did you know that the Cadbury Cream Egg McFlurry could very well be the most delicious dessert known to man? We got a beer on the way home, then I came back and listened to Minus the Bear and Led Zeppelin for an hour or so. Now its time for some crackers.

I love spring break.

Monday, March 12, 2007

They dont love you like I love you

I loved Berlin. It was such an interesting, different, vibrant kind of city. And CHEAP. And Basil was an excellent host with many talents. Fire Bar was awesome, as was everything else we did. But now its back to reality. Spring Break in London has been relaxing so far. Its been a lot of sleeping, then some eating. Then some shopping. Now some drinking.

I bought things I shouldnt have, but I love them all. I got a BEAUTIFUL black trench coat that makes my waist look really tiny, black balllet flats that are adorable, three headbands, and some really cute black floral tights. Apparently I love black. But seriously, I am IN LOVE with my purchases.

Now Im waiting for 9:30 so I can go to the happy hour at this bar called the Roadhouse. Class, all the way.

Im on a budget now. 45 pounds a week for the rest of the semester. I can do that... I think.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


HOLY CRAP, I'm getting a new computer for free! Thats what happens when your computer sucks for two years. AND I'm getting a totally sweet upgrade. Instead of an antique Powerbook, I get a badass MacBook Pro!!! It's actually a $2000 computer, which is more than mine cost initially, but whatever. I've learned a valuable lesson today: freak out in public. When you pitch a huge bitch, you get what you want. Yesssssss......

Things I'm nerdily pumped about:
Built-in Camera (no more creepily watching Justin when we talk on skype!)
1GB of RAM (twice what my other computer had)
DVD Burner!
Better graphics card
Half again as much memory
2.16GHz processor (THATS SO FAST)
Shiny hi-def screen!
It only weighs 5 pounds

Ok I'll stop now. But seriously. Wow. I have now completely forgiven Apple for giving me a piece of shit the first time.

Am I part of the disease?

Here are some excellent things that happened while Kelley was here:

I threw chocolate onto a Tube train. No, I wasnt on it. I was standing on the platform and I gently tossed it into the train just before it pulled away. Consequently, everyone on the train looked at the chocolate and looked at me just as the doors closed and I began to laugh hysterically. It was amazing.

"One day I will have a friend like yours, and we will go on parade." ~Said by one of the crazy people at Speakers Corner, to the two people in front of Kelley and I

Me: "Wait, we can get on this train! (Get on, wait 30 seconds until doors are beginning to close) No we cant!! Get off!" (Jump off)
Kelley: "What the hell?!"

Crazy muslim man at Speakers Corner: "Who is your god?"
Even crazier christian guy: "The god of abraham, moses, and jacob: Yahweh"

"Get your hand out of your mouth and the dance in your booty" ~Random girl at Tesco Disco to me and Kelley

"You're a lying bitch. Want some lemon cakes? They're kinda greasy right now... like Turkish people." ~My drunk roommate

"Goddamn son of a motherfuckin bitch" ~Kelley, every two seconds

Kelley's proposed solutions to the rudeness of Londoners:

Kelley: "Flatulence"
Rude Person: "Excuse me?"
Kelley: "Exactly"


Kelley: "Pardon you"

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

There's a log on the fire and it burns like me for you


My computer is back!
The sunset was beautiful and the weather today was amazing.
I love music.
I leave for my super deluxe pimp tour of Berlin in 3 days.
Spring break is coming up, yay for alone time in London and catching up on work.
I did some research about stuff for after graduation and I am either moving to LA or NY. No, I won't be living in my parents house. I am pretty excited about the things I'm applying for.


I'm almost out of cigarettes. This not only means that I smoke too much, but also that I must quit soon because I cant afford that shit.
I have 1000 more words to write on Satan's paper.
I have a midterm on Thursday.
My History professor emailed me expressing concern about my poor attendance record and telling me that I cant miss anymore classes.
When am I taking the GRE?

I'm happy right now. I have a paper due in 14 hours and a midterm shortly after, and Im happy. That's rare.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Black Bandana, Sweet Louisiana

Well. A lot has happened. In fact, so much that I feel as though it is too daunting a task to blog about it all. Here is my MUCH abridged version:

Sara got here 2 weeks ago. We did all the touristy shit (Trafalgar Square, Westminster, Buckingham Palace, etc.) on the Chinese New Year, which just meant that everything was crowded. We saw several Monets and Van Goghs at the National Gallery, and it was AMAZING. Some other things we did, in roughly chronological order, include: climb to the top of St. Pauls (SCARY), talk a lot (amazing), sit in silence a lot (even better), enjoy delicious Indian food, go to an incredible hole-in-the-wall jazz club, drink snakebites and strongbows at pubs, walk around the city, and cuddle a ton. I just love her so much and it was so amazing to see her again and just enjoy her. What we did didn't even matter to me. I am so glad she came. I bawled like a little baby when she left, but thats ok.

Kelley got here 6 days into Sara's visit. I was SO excited to see both of them here at once, it was like a dream. We saw Avenue Q and did Westminster Abbey, the Tate Modern, the London Eye, and frequented an awesome lesbian club called Candy Bar. Hottest. Security. Guard. Ever.

Once Sara left I was in need of some cheering, so Kelley and I went on an adventure. We gambled (my first time), went to Speakers Corner, visited the British Museum, and had some London Starbucks. Over the next week we saw Spamalot, went to the same jazz club as Sara and I, revisited Candy Bar, tried absinthe, did Buckingham Palace, St. James Park, and Trafalgar Square, drank on the streets, sat and talked in the Closer park, climbed St. Pauls again, went to the Tower of London, and had a delicious feast of Indian food. In general, everything that was slightly off between Kelley and I was put right. I think we're on the same page, and it feel awesome. She's one of my favorite people in life, and I think she knows that now.

We also both had a little makeover. I basically chopped my hair. Its chin length. Check facebook for pictures. At first I was really scared of how short it was, but now I love it. I look completely different. Yay for change. Kelley's changes are a surprise... muahhahahaha....

This morning she left at 5am. I was pretty upset, so I just went home and went back to sleep. When I woke up at noon I realized that my life is completely in shambles and I need to fix it. I'm currently hard at work on that. Wish me luck. School might dominate me this week.

Adam gets here in 3 weeks. I go to Berlin on Friday. Weird. My shit is busy.