Wednesday, March 07, 2007


HOLY CRAP, I'm getting a new computer for free! Thats what happens when your computer sucks for two years. AND I'm getting a totally sweet upgrade. Instead of an antique Powerbook, I get a badass MacBook Pro!!! It's actually a $2000 computer, which is more than mine cost initially, but whatever. I've learned a valuable lesson today: freak out in public. When you pitch a huge bitch, you get what you want. Yesssssss......

Things I'm nerdily pumped about:
Built-in Camera (no more creepily watching Justin when we talk on skype!)
1GB of RAM (twice what my other computer had)
DVD Burner!
Better graphics card
Half again as much memory
2.16GHz processor (THATS SO FAST)
Shiny hi-def screen!
It only weighs 5 pounds

Ok I'll stop now. But seriously. Wow. I have now completely forgiven Apple for giving me a piece of shit the first time.


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