Thursday, March 22, 2007

All we need is more factories

My life is in shambles.

I have made bad romantic decisions recently, and its coming back to bite me in the ass now. Oh well, Ill deal. Just feel a little bit like shit for awhile. It seems like nothing works out the way I think its going to - ever. And I always get fucked over. Sigh.

Last night some interesting things happened to me.

Some English guy asked me and my friends if we find English men ignorant (he was trying to sleep with Florence). So we responded no and I asked him if he found American girls ignorant. His response was an emphatic NEVER, to which I said "huh, I do... and I think youre full of shit." I think that response had the desired effect on his drive to sleep with Florence. Poor Florence, he was old.

Then I made out with a ridiculously persistent, but cute, Italian man. He invited me to Rome with him. Too bad he was the WORST kisser of my life. He was just straight up licking my face, and I didnt know what to do.

On the upside, all the laws of nature and physics say that I should be hungover, but Im not.

I have a lot of work to do.


At 12:08 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

haha reminds me of that sex and the city. he raped your face.


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