Tuesday, March 06, 2007

There's a log on the fire and it burns like me for you


My computer is back!
The sunset was beautiful and the weather today was amazing.
I love music.
I leave for my super deluxe pimp tour of Berlin in 3 days.
Spring break is coming up, yay for alone time in London and catching up on work.
I did some research about stuff for after graduation and I am either moving to LA or NY. No, I won't be living in my parents house. I am pretty excited about the things I'm applying for.


I'm almost out of cigarettes. This not only means that I smoke too much, but also that I must quit soon because I cant afford that shit.
I have 1000 more words to write on Satan's paper.
I have a midterm on Thursday.
My History professor emailed me expressing concern about my poor attendance record and telling me that I cant miss anymore classes.
When am I taking the GRE?

I'm happy right now. I have a paper due in 14 hours and a midterm shortly after, and Im happy. That's rare.


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