Saturday, May 26, 2007

Bring it back down tonight

The rest of Greece was un-fucking-believable. It was so beautiful, especially the day we went to the island. Aegina was so... Greek. We rented a 4 wheeler and drove around the island, which was totally sweet. Eventually we found this little lagoon with chairs and everything set out but nobody on it and went swimming, even though we didnt have towels. It was the clearest water Ive ever seen in my life.

The rest of Athens was awesome too. I ate an obscene amount of those gyros and just generally enjoyed the Greekness. I wish I could go back.

Now I'm in Tel Aviv. We've been sort of taking it easy, since I'm staying in the pimpest apartment ever. Adam is loaded, I swear to god. This place is palatial. The first day here we went to this harvest festival celebration at a kibbutz. I made a flower wreath hat, did the jew circle dance, and ate the best food known to man. I LOVE Israeli pastries. The next day we went to the beach, which is beautiful. Yesterday we went to Old Jaffa and saw some pretty historical shit, then Steph and I came home because I was seriously sunburned. I remain that way.

So, at the moment, my life is a series of me taking off my shirt to apply aloe vera, then very gingerly putting it back on and walking around in my pajamas and no bra all day. Exciting! I think were gonna go to the Ein Gedi and Eilat for a few days soon, and there's a jazz festival in Caesarea next week, so I'm excited.

This summer rules.


At 12:55 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

Now it is my turn to tell you to update. Especially since, unlike myself, I know you're doing exciting things.


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