Thursday, September 13, 2007

I dont believe in you anymore

School started, I moved in with Stephanie, I started ditching class, and I have essentially dropped out of my sorority without actually doing it.

I like my life here in Apartment O, its nice.

Im really stressed about money, but I am applying for a ton of jobs so hopefully one of those will come through and I wont have to go back to my old lady.

I dont know, my life is boring. In a good, settled in sort of way.

I long for the days of International adventure.... but thats not real life, and I need to get over it.

Monday, August 06, 2007

I dont believe in you anymore

Ah my unavoidable return to the North American continent. So I've been home for awhile now. A lot of stuff has happened, both here and abroad, and I (for some reason) feel very little or no inclination to record said events in this previously-overused blog.

It took 36 hours to get from Barcelona to San Francisco, which is completely ludicrous. Here's the rundown:

1. Flight from Barcelona to Madrid
2. Layover in Madrid
3. Flight from Madrid to New York *our flight to SF was canceled due to bad weather*
4. Shuttle to New Jersey, a lovely night spent at the Econolodge of Elizabeth, NJ
5. Early morning flight from Newark to Chicago *this flight was late so we had to literally run as fast as we could to our other flight... barely made it*
6. Flight from Chicago to San Francisco *SWEET RELIEF*

I hate the process of traveling but love seeing things - its a serious dilemma.

Anyhow, I am safe and sound and pretty happy (at least when Im in the Bay Area). Living with Stephanie is the best thing ever - I am completely in love with her and I am so glad we decided to do this.

Being home is mostly strange. Nothing is quite how I remember it. Things have lost their sheen, if that makes any sense at all, which Im sure it doesnt. For the first time I feel like my home is actually in Berkeley and I go to Southern CA for little breaks.

Im totally stressed out about money, my thesis, applications for big girl jobs/grad school/fellowships, and getting a job for the year.

I miss being abroad like you would NOT believe. I dont ever want to be confined to the United States for a long period of time. I miss the adventures I had and just the feeling of being somewhere new. But I guess I appreciate being home too, just in a different way. Ugh.

Despite all this, I would say that Im relatively happy. And, honestly, that is mostly thanks to Stephanie. She makes me smile even when Im crying. Shes the best.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Czech Republic

Isnt it funny how I have no motivation to write in this? I really should... recording my European adventure and whatnot... but I simply dont want to. And so I think I shant.

I miss Stephanie more than I knew was possible to miss another person. We're moving in together next semester - I know its fast, but I have no doubt in my mind that it will be awesome and work out just fine. She makes me happy.

Prague rules. The exchange rate in Prague rules even more.

Saturday, June 30, 2007


Budapest is pretty.

I miss Stephanie. A lot.

That is all.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Oh Europe

So it turns out that "biking in the Dutch countryside" really meant riding around, high out of my mind, on a bike that hurts my ass, in a torrential downpour/lightning storm. That didnt go so well, but damn was it hilarious.

The rest of Amsterdam went pretty much as the first days did. We went to the Torture Museum and just ate a lot of food. In the words of Adam - "Jordan, there's just too much sin here." It was a really good time and I loved every moment of it, but I was ready to leave. There was just so much marijuana in my body that I was incapable of coherent thought. That had to end.

Now I find myself in Budapest. I keep having these moments where I realize that Im seriously in Hungary. Yes, Hungary. Why? WHY? I dont know, but Im here. The hostel is sweet, everyones super friendly and it has a badass garden with hammocks and shit. Today Adam and I went to the Buda Castle and went in the castle labyrinths, which were terrifying. We also made reservations to go on a "personal labyrinth" tomorrow night... its supposed to be pitch black with only a string to guide you in these caves. Should be awesome.

So yes, Budapest. What? I dont know. I like it here so far though.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


Amsterdam totally rules. I have been having so much fun, but Im pretty sure some sort of drugs-withdrawal will occur when I leave. Ah, such are the consequences of such large scale hedonism.

I've seen the hoes, the Cannibis College, the Sex Museum, an art market, and the inside of many-a-coffeeshop. I've slept a lot, eaten obscene amounts of food, and actually gotten free weed twice. This is an amazing place, but the pace is about to kill me. I have a terrible headache right now, and theres simply nothing to be done... except smoke more weed, which I (shock!) do not want to do.

Tomorrow we are renting bikes and seeing the Dutch countryside, then going to somewhere called the homomonument. Should be pretty awesome.

Monday, June 18, 2007

blah blah blah

I have 65 hours left in Israel, meaning that in approximately 70 hours I will be in AMSTERDAM, getting super blazed. Im excited.

As for the rest of Eilat - it was sweet. Scuba diving with dolphins was pimpass, and the nighttime jeep safari was pretty sweet too. I saw wild camels, gazelles, a porcupine andalmost died twice. Then the next morning my eye puffed up for some reason and I looked retarded. Oh well.

Ok, just a quick update.