Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today was basically the best day of my life. Heres why:

-I had Pret a Manger for breakfast.
-I got high in Green Park.
-I went to Buckingham Palace, Westminster, and Trafalgar while high.
-In the worst class ever I managed to finish an essay that had been hanging over my head while simultaneously rocking a little buzz from mid-afternoon drinking at a gay bar.
-I saw Avenue Q, SO FUNNY.
-I gave my phone number to some guy. For Adam. Yes thats right, I busted a "My friend thinks youre cute..."
-We got drunk on the street, had delicious fish and chips, and danced until 2 am at G-A-Y, the best club ever.
-At said club I met a man who was trying to get in with Adam by talking to me. He was in a musical theatre program in London (gay gay gay) and was QUITE hilarious. He said I looked just like some opera singer named Beatrice and refused to stop calling me that. So funny.
-I love Adam so much. I sorta forgot about that in the last few months. This summer shall be incredible.

Tomorrow will also be amazing. We are going to St. Pauls, my favorite spot in London.


At 11:18 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

I'm jealous. I WANT TO VISIT. sigh.


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