Monday, June 18, 2007

blah blah blah

I have 65 hours left in Israel, meaning that in approximately 70 hours I will be in AMSTERDAM, getting super blazed. Im excited.

As for the rest of Eilat - it was sweet. Scuba diving with dolphins was pimpass, and the nighttime jeep safari was pretty sweet too. I saw wild camels, gazelles, a porcupine andalmost died twice. Then the next morning my eye puffed up for some reason and I looked retarded. Oh well.

Ok, just a quick update.


At 10:00 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

ahahaha. ah yes, old squint eye mack.

at some point i want to hear about your near death experiences.

i hope you're really high right now. and watching Four Brothers...cause isn't that what everyone does?


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