Thursday, January 18, 2007

Its not healthy for me to feel this way

I would like to preface this entry by saying that I am lame.

After the residence meeting last night my roommate and I decided to go to the Apple store to get my computer fixed. I love the Tube, its so easy. Anyways, we got there and had to wait 2.5 hours to be seen, just so they could tell me that they're going to replace the Logic Board and RAM and I can come back in 10 days. Great.

Rebecca and I went to this super tasty little Italian place called Strada, which just reminds me of Berkeley. I love that we ordered shots. Like "Oh Ill have the pizza margherita and a shot of jack daniels." Ha, best thing ever. By the time we got back to our dorm it was WAY too late to go on the Jack the Ripper Tour and we were both completely dead, so we went to sleep. Yes, thats right, I went to sleep at 10 instead of going out like a normal human.

This morning we had a totally sweet coach tour of London and saw basically everything. We saw the normal sights like the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace, Tate Modern, the Globe, Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, etc. We also drove by Zizzi, which served me the only decent food I found in all of London last time I was here, and Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, where Robyn supposedly lost her wallet (I'm still pissed off about Cera's "secret pocket").

So now Im sitting here, biding my time until 5, when I am going to Giraffe for 2 for 1 drinks. Thats right, I know how to live cheaply.


At 9:24 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

never feel bad about not going out while you're there cause after all you can go out any day of the week.

haha i also ate at strada while i was in london! actually it was fucking expensive because we got an appetizer and drinks and main courses and dessert drinks...but it was also really delicious.

i remember that other place though, along with that wallet incident. i dont know that i've ever cried so much in public haha.

At 7:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I can't quote Rihanna but you can!? Who DOES that!


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