Friday, January 12, 2007

She's on your mind

Seeing Rachel was good, I love that girl. Spending the night at Sara's was also amazing. It had been so long since I spent time with her, it just made me so happy. I fucking love that girl... and you should love your best friend, so that makes sense.

Justin and Kelley spent the next night here and we got memorably drunk at the park. I cut my hair and bought a cute shirt. Justin spent the following night here as well, and we discovered the best cuddling position ever. The next day we had lunch, got manicures and pedicures, had free cookies from an amazing bakery, and said our goodbyes.

Then came the best part- I talked to Adam!!! He's back from Italy, so we spent 4 hours on the phone catching up. I fucking LOVE that boy. The course of my life was changed in this conversation:

1) We are getting married so he can have in-state tuition. This means I'm definitely moving in with him next year. Sweet.
2) We chose the dates for his visit to me in London!
3) We decided on a revised summer travel plan... now I will be spending a whole MONTH in Israel with him. He's going to show me all around the country and maybe even Turkey. Then the two of us are going to Prague, Amsterdam, and Spain for a month or so.

I talked to Sara today on the phone, and it was really sad. I am going to miss her SO DAMN MUCH. Almost cried on the damn phone. 3 days until take off.... and for some reason I feel the need to list the people I love this much. I mean, I love a lot of people, but these people just make me feel like Im going to explode all over the place in a fantastic orgasm of platonic love. And, without further ado, they are: Sara, Kelley, Adam, and Justin. I will literally pine for those four all of next semester. Thank god 3 of them are coming to visit me. Sigh.

I am so ready to leave, despite this depression of parting. London, here I come!


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