Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Youre what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead

I rang in the New Year with many many drinks, a black bustier, and a triple kiss with Kelley and a gay man. I was on the rooftop of an AMAZING building in downtown LA, sipping a vodka cranberry and holding a sparkler. It was amazing, by far the best New Years so far. Hilarious, excellent, drunk, and (surprisingly) not too hung over.

It was also a strange night. I had far too much to drink.

Overall, though, an excellent and memorable experience. It made me realize how many people there are in my life who I care deeply for that I didnt even know last New Years Ever. It was very reassuring. Studying abroad is going to be fine. I am going to make new friends without problem, and they will be just as amazing as these ones.

New Years Eve was a great conclusion to a great year, but I'm ready to go. I want change. I want removal from everything I currently find comforting. Studying abroad never came at a better time. 13 days, I can't wait!!!!!!!


At 9:53 AM, Blogger beth said...

FUCK YEAH, BIATCH!!! now THAT'S what i'm talkin' about! hehe.

one of my most memorable quotes while abroad: i turned to my friends while quite intoxicated and screamed, "we fucking LIVE in PARIS, motherfuckers! what the FUCK?!?" and i'm sure you'll be saying the same thing about london in no time. : P


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