Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Brown skin... I cant tell where yours begins

Well, I'm here. It took me so long to get here and drained me of all my energy, but its done and Im pretty much over my jet lag.

The flight was 10 hours of pure misery. There was a baby next to me that insisted on crying the whole damn time. By the end I was literally laying there fantasizing about punching a 10 month old. I just wanted to deck this kid. This was when I realized that my children, should I choose to have any, will be at SERIOUS risk for shaken baby syndrome. Then I waited an hour to get through customs, was the last person on my flight to get my luggage, hauled it to the train station, and took an express train into the city. Then I took a taxi from Paddington Station to my dorm and hauled approximately 85 pounds of luggage up to the 5th floor. Yeah, no elevator!

My roommate, Rebecca, seems really chill. (Davies- She goes to WM.. and her best friend went to Bath with you... WEIRD) I know were going to get along. No telling if we'll be great friends or not, but I'm pretty sure well be friendly at least. Our room is sort of small, but all my shit fits in it and we have a pretty view. I slept from 3 to like 9 yesterday, but then I woke up and took a walk around the neighborhood. When I got back, me and Rebecca decided to go out. We found this really sweet pub called the Greyhound and proceeded to have a shot and a sex on the beach until we were kicked out at midnight. I love that smoking indoors is socially appropriate. Then we walked around the neighborhood for awhile in the rain, unpacked our shit, showered, and went to bed.

This morning we had a mandatory orientation meeting thing at 9:30, which was pretty boring. After that was done, me and Rebecca went to lunch at this really good place on Kensington High Street and ran some errands. I bought shampoo, conditioner, a shower tote, and a hair dryer... EXCITING! I also got an oyster card for the Tube and exchanged some money so I actually have cash. Then I went to internet orientation and sat down for a little old fashioned facebook stalking.

My computer is still broken. I havent had a chance to go to the Apple Store yet. Ill probably do it tomorrow. In 25 minutes I have a mandatory hall meeting, which will be followed by a Jack the Ripper Walking Tour. I think I'll probably go out tonight again because I need to meet more people. So far its just the roommate and that one girl I had spoken to before this, Alex. Im used to my network of lovelies.

Speaking of which, I miss the hell out of you people.
31 days until Sara gets here
36 days until Kelley gets here
65 days until Adam gets here

I couldnt be happier... except maybe if it werent raining and if my lovers were with me. Sigh.


At 9:36 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

Your roommate's friend lived in my house! Her name is Casey, she's the one that introduced me to House. That's exciting!

Damn I had something else to say...Oh yes, one of our classes went on the Jack the Ripper tour. Supposed to be really cool.

Aahh I'm so jealous.


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