Sunday, January 14, 2007

I got my shit together, but lord knows where I'm going

Justin is gone. Sara is gone. Kelley is gone. All my shit is packed and ready to go. Tomorrow I see Robyn for the last time. In less than 50 hours I will actually be standing on solid land in England, and that scares the crap outta me.

Im finally starting to feel a little not numb about the whole leaving people thing. Sara wrote me an amazing note that made me fucking sob in my kitchen. I just goddamn love my friends so fuckin much, its nauseating. I've been talking to Adam everyday on the phone for multiple hours, I dont know how this is going to work out with the distance and such.

Oh and my computer is broken, so I will basically be incommunicado for the first week or so that I'm there. Call me if you need me... other than that... oh well. When I land I'm going to call my parents, Kelley and Sara, and Adam. I feel like most people dont have these three obligations, but I do. And I have never been happier to have an obligation in my life.

My relationships might be a little fucked up but they are genuine and they make me feel complete, so whatever.


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