Friday, January 05, 2007

I aint built like a supermodel but I learned to love myself unconditionally

My life is always exciting, never boring, and that's how I love it. Home can be so fabulous, as long as I have a plan of action. The last few days went like this:

- I hung out with Kelsey and her friends. A portion of our evening included stealing the plastic baby Jesus (Jesi?) from the tacky light up mangers in Santa Clarita. Definitely loved that. Definitely going to hell.

-Davies came with me to go out with Justin and his friends. We went to an excellent gay bar but got kicked out for underage drinking. Then we played pool at another bar where they dont card and sat around WeHo amusing ourselves. It was a good night, despite our somewhat lame underage situation.

- Beth, Lindsay, and I went to Abra's house in Santa Barbara. Once again I enjoyed the mansion-like spanse of her home and the delicious stylings of State Street cuisine. The company was ok too ;-)

- Last night I went to Tigerheat, a gay dance club in Hollywood, with Justin, Quinntin, and their friend Steven. I got really drunk and danced on a pedestal with half naked men. It was SO MUCH fun, I can't even express. I cuddled with Justin all night long then woke up and laughed hysterically in a semi-drunken state. His new nickname is J. Bo, mine is Bi-Curious George, and he's working on the "debilitating fear" experience. So good. Today was rounded out with an amazing lunch at California Pizza Kitchen at the Beverly Center.

- Tomorrow I get to spend the night at Pow-Pow's in Palm Springs, then head to Fontana for a night of excellence with Pacelko. On the way home I will pick up J. Bo in Hollywood and he's gonna spend the next 2 nights with me in Santa Clarita. (Yay for more cuddles, Im addicted to them.)

- I leave the damn country in 10 days.

- So I was given the opportunity to sign up for trips to Berlin and Paris! Here is my new and revised schedule for the upcoming semester:

January 15: Fly to London!
January 16: Orientation begins
January 22: Classes begin
January 27: Day trip to Bath and Stonehenge
February 17-22: Sara visits me alone
February 23: Avenue Q
February 23-25: Sara AND Kelley are visiting me!
February 26-March 3: Kelley visits me alone
March 9-11: Weekend in Berlin
March 12-18: Spring Break (travelling plans TBA)
March 24-31: Berkeley's Spring Break (someone will be visiting me- either J. Bo, Adam, or Teresa)
April 6-9: Easter Weekend in Scotland
April 13-15: Weekend in Paris
April 20-23: Easter Break (travelling plans TBA)
May 11-???: Travelling around Europe... Amsterdam, Prague, Vienna, Venice, Rome, Athens, Tel Aviv



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