Thursday, December 21, 2006


I'm home. I miss everyone. Specifically, I feel like I'm dying without Adam in my life. I do not really know how I lived for 20 years without knowing him. That's simply never going to happen again.

Home is kinda boring. The puppies are silly and my bed is sinfully luxurious, but Santa Clarita is bland as always. I have an unbelievable volume of shit, so unpacking that kept me busy for awhile. Now I'm working on prep for going abroad. So much to do.

I went to Barnes and Noble for 2 hours earlier today and ended up buying House of Leaves. It looks SO interesting. I'm really excited about reading it. Yes, I'm lame. I also got new glasses today. They're more square and (hopefully) less ugly than the last pair.

I got an A- in Econ. How the hell did that work? I simply did not attend after the midterm. God yes.

Now I think I'll go pester my mom about dinner. Being at home is so amazing, as long as I don't expect excitement and stimulation.

4 days till Christmas
25 days till London


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