Wednesday, December 27, 2006

No one is perfect, no I wont ever be

It feels like nothing went right today.

First I found out that I had to pay $80 for the shot I needed. Then I found out I actually needed 2 shots. Burn.

The jacket I wanted is not available in the color I want. My grandparents sent me $2000 less than they said they would, so I have to increase my personal loans by that much - as if I dont already have enough loans. So then I go to sign up for the trips after waiting all this time for my grandparents money to get here, and the Berlin trip is full! Guess I'm not going to Germany! That SUCKS.

And on the way home from dinner I got to have a nice conversation with my parents about how Kelsey's so-called "heterosexual behavior" makes them disbelieve her when she says shes bi. My mom's like "how do you even know when youre 15?" Dude, she knew she was straight then, somehow. How is this any different? So I introduced them to the idea of the Kinsey scale and my mom goes "I dont think you get to pick where you are on the scale when you're only 15" to which I replied "I dont think you get to pick at all, youre born that way."

If my parents dont know Im not totally straight after that conversation, theyre fucking dense. I got way too upset to just be defending my friends and sister.

I just want to lay in Adam's bed and cry. Going abroad blows.


At 9:35 AM, Blogger beth said...

homie, i am 100% sure that in 4 months you'll be in my position now, saying it wasn't enough time and wishing you could go back and do it all over again. as far as traveling goes, don't plan too much before you get there. in my experience, it's more important who you travel with than where you end up going. so make lots of friends, like i know you are more than capable, and then plan it out together. compared to living in london, traveling around europe is cheap cheap cheap, so if you really want to go to germany you definitely can. : )

call me so we can talk about the 3rd...and call me anytime if you wanna talk about stuff!


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