Friday, December 15, 2006

Might be a quarter-life crisis, or just a stirring in my soul

Today was emotional. I dont like that. I have to figure some shit out.

But the good news is, Im going to Santa Cruz on Tuesday night to see Jeanna for one last night of excellence. Then I get home on Wednesday. Now if only I didnt have to take those last two finals. Fuck.

Tomorrow I see my dad and sister. Basically, I just would rather die than take these finals. Everyone has gone home, only I remain. This sucks.

I think I have to have serious conversations soon, and I dont like that.

In other news, back to the countdown:

5 days until I get home
10 days until Christmas
31 days until London

I still cant really believe Im actually going abroad. Like, I dont think its actually going to hit me until Im there. And then itll hit me again a month into it when Im like "ok time to go home now."


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