Saturday, December 09, 2006

Fear is the heart of love, so I never went back

Over the last few days I have completely fallen in platonic love with Adam Golub. His bed is the most heavenly place ever and his room is like a sanctuary of peace. I fucking love him and I am SO sad that Im leaving here so soon. He made me a mix tape :-)

I think I might go to his apartment in Tel Aviv, Israel after my abroad adventure though, so thats awesome.

And other than that, Im still really screwed for finals but feeling not as stressed about it anymore.

Tomorrow I have my last SF adventure with Sara. DeYoung and Ocean Beach, here we come. I am actually ridiculously upset about this, so I think I wont talk about it much. I am going to miss my Pacelko so much that I basically cant think about it. Or talk about it. Or deal with it. Kelley too.

Ok, on a happier note- it looks like Im going to Berlin, Wales, Scotland, Bath, and Stonehenge with my school. Mountain climbing and sea kayaking in Wales... fuck yeah...

I dont want to leave.


At 4:07 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

woooo Bath!!


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