Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No one is perfect, no I won't ever be

Today I pierced my eyebrow. I'm pretty excited about it, it's cute.

And I talked to one of the girls from my program for a long time on the internet and I know we're going to be really close. That is infinitely reassuring to me, as I realize that there is only a month until I move to another country for 4 months. Good god. We made plans to go to Paris and visit Euro Disney. Heck yes.

Despite some less than pleasant conversations Ive had recently (one in particular) I am basically really happy with my life at this moment. Especially my friendships.

I went to the city with Sara on Sunday and it was incredible. She bought me Cheesecake Factory and we ate it overlooking Union Square all decorated for the Holidays. We ballroom danced to Christmas Carols in the square and window shopped for puppies. The night was rounded out by a nice bonfire at Ocean Beach. Aside from just being general good fun, it really made me remember so vividly why I love Sara. It was definitely emotional (we'll miss each other a lot) but I am so glad it happened. It was one of those days that seems like its a dream, and I know I will think of it often when I'm missing her next semester.

7 days till I see Adam for the last time, 8 days till I leave. Thats not much time. I'm making the best of it.


At 6:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love you, jmack...BUT, if you waste time in paris by going to eurodisney, i WILL have to kill you.


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