Tuesday, January 23, 2007

I never conquered when you came

Classes started yesterday. So far, the survey:

Travel Writing- seems easyish. I have it with Alex, so it shouldnt be too bad. Lots of reading, but what Ive done of it so far is interesting. We end up writing our own mini-travel writing, which I think is exciting.

History of London- the teacher didnt show up. She emailed us a syllabus though. I am SO excited for the trips we're going on every week, but also pretty scared about what appears to be a rather intense reading load. Alex is also in this class.

Comparative History of the US and UK- I didnt know this, but apparently it focuses on the Irish diaspora. The teacher seems nice, he straight up said that hell excuse us from class and give us extensions if we email him ahead of time. Also, we spend a whole week looking at Irish drinking culture. Come on.

I still have to go to Art in Context, which I am totally excited about. And I'm dropping my fifth class. It looked like it was going to suck and I simply didnt want to deal with that.

In more exciting news, I bought 3 tickets to see Avenue Q when Sara and Kelley are here in February. I found an amazing deal so I got them for the first row of the balcony. We should have the best seats of life.

Seriously though, I went to the doctor and I have strep throat. I got antibiotics and shit, but it still hurts for now. I slept for 12 hours last night and I was still tired. By the time I walk up to my room I usually need a little napper. I am SO pathetic.

Which segues nicely into my latest concern. I feel like Im not really building relationships that matter to me here. Like, Im not necessarily lonely. I spend my time around people. But I dont really feel that those people are essential to me in the way that my friends at home or at school are. We get along and I enjoy their company, but Im just as happy alone for the most part. Very weak. Something I will figure out with time.

And to either Kelley or Adam- thanks for the comment on that last post. Ass.


At 3:40 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

i felt like you did friendship-wise for a little bit. in the beginning i was telling myself that the semester would still be worth it even if i didn't make close friends...but then it just happened, kind of surprisingly. so give it time. and even if you dont you will still have an awesome semester.


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