Monday, December 04, 2006

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life

I dont know quite what to do with myself today. Yesterday my life changed, and I dont know how to assimilate that into how it was before yet.

I did some drugs yesterday. And Im not referring to marijuana. I did some DRUGS and good christ was it awesome. The world breathed, everything was rainbow colored and flowing. Everything felt completely magical. I stared at Kelley's eyes for hours. The Japanese Tea Gardens at Golden Gate Park will never be the same for me. It was so intense. Its like I had to completely leave reality in order to see it clearly. I seriously understand myself and my relationships so much more now.

I think Ive come to terms with the fact that no description of my experience will ever capture it at all, or even come close. But that doesnt mean Im not going to try. I am so glad I did that, for so many reasons. One of them is definitely the fact that I am way closer to Kelley now. We have literally seen each other at our worst. I mean, we cuddled in an alley for like 2 hours, rambling about nothing and snotting/slobbering all over each other. And we were SO happy. We were RIDICULOUSLY socially inappropriate, and I'm honestly surprised we weren't arrested. But we weren't, so all is well.

Yeah, my life is incredible. And now for something else...

15 days until I leave Berkeley
21 days until Christmas
42 days until London
74 days until Sara comes to London
80 days until Kelley comes to London


At 4:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahahaha : P

p.s. i looove that song.

love, beth

At 9:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

TWO things:

1. sounds like you had an awesome time. that is so funny.

2. i love your blog because whenever i want to internet stalk you, all i have to do is type, "easy" into the address thing and your blog comes up! haha.



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