Friday, August 11, 2006

Those little red panties, they pass the test

Hello my internet stalkers! It's been so long. As Robyn so kindly informed me, my blog has become boring. So um sorry about that I guess. I've been busy. Lots of work, but that's not exciting. Let's see... whats new.... LIST TIME!

1) I finished my study abroad application and sent it in like a good little girl. Now I'm well on the way to going to London. Only a few key steps left before I move to London on January 15, 2006. Think I'm looking forward to it a little? You bet! So far I know I'm gonna go to Stonehenge, France, Greece, Italy, Amsterdam, and some Eastern European countries in the first 6 months of 2007. Once in a lifetime, people. I am PUMPED like you would not believe.

2) Also exciting, although perhaps not on the same scale, is the cupcake expedition that Robyn and I made this evening. Yummy, in Burbank- GET THERE. So delicious. So amazing. Also expensive and incredibly rich (not for the light-stomached) but so worth it. And so close to CPK, which provided delicious and nutritious dinner afterwards.

3) My cousin, who I havent seen in about 2 years, randomly showed up at my house tonight. He apparently is on some sort of road trip and went to Magic Mountain. It was weird/good. I miss him so much. He's one of the nicest guys in the world, but its weird to show affection to a male cousin. Still, it was really really good to see him and meet his girlfriend. I think its just refreshing to talk to someone whos not a complete douche.

4) I can't believe how close to the end of summer it is. I leave a week from tomorrow (technically, a week from today). Soon I will be thrust into the intense schedule of moving in, recruitment camp, recruitment, classes, and hopefully a really sweet job. Back to the B-town routine, I guess. As always, there are good and bad things. I guess I'll just take it as it comes and chill out a lot in my amazing room. That's probably what I'm most excited about. Drunken Clam, here we come. That and my new backpack. It has polka dots.

5) Between now and a week from now, I will be packing, working quite a bit, going to SB to par-tay with people I like, having goodbye/Bday dinner with Robyn's family, getting new speakers in my car, watching Funky Spunk get towed away, having B-day dinner with my family and some select friends, partying at Megan's once her parents leave town, and finishing my recruitment shopping. Sounds exhausting already, and it hasn't even started. At this point I'm just excited to go to Abra's though. Who knows when I'll next see her and Beth. I refuse to believe its the last time (that would be ridiculous, we live so close) but it might be awhile. Sigh.

I'm not good at goodbyes, and they're swiftly approaching. The worst ones await me in December, but studying abroad will be so worth it. Sigh. Ah well, things have been going really well for me lately. I'm really excited about my classes, cuz I'm a huge nerd. Whatever.

See, Robyn, that wasnt that interesting, but at least I wrote something. Better?


At 8:39 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

yes, me and my bored at work self thank you.

At 6:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I think it's just refreshing to talk to someone who's not a complete douche." I think that deserves to go on the record.


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