Saturday, July 22, 2006

Even though we sleep together we're alone

So I feel that that post needs to be followed up by some further explanation.

First of all, let me elaborate that I do not drink like that regularly, nor have I ever blacked out before. I found it frightening and weird. I do not plan on reliving the experience and I am eternally grateful to Ashley Stroud, who probably saved my life. But what can you do in situations like these? Do you want me to sit around and pretend it never happened? To waste time regretting it? I've found that the best way is to accept that it happened, learn your lesson, make a joke, and move on. So that's what I'm doing. Its not that I take this lightly, just that I dont see the point in beating myself up about it. It was the same with the Caleb thing. It works for me.

And to the creepy random who commented on that blog- weird. I dont know you and its not even fair because your blog is in Portuguese so I cant stalk you back. I dont know how you found this little corner of the internet world. Shudder.

I have never felt happier and more sure of myself in joining Gamma Phi than I do right now. I LOVE those girls, and I know they love me. I don't need to deal with judgmental eyes, and I don't get that there. Furthermore, there is nothing in the world like seeing how "the other side" lives to make me feel 100% sure that I am the happiest I've ever been right now. Maybe I've changed. Maybe I just wasn't me before. Whatever it is, I love the way I'm living my life and I will never regret any of it. I wish nothing but the same feeling of contentment to my friends, whatever their path may be. This is all part of growing up, and I will not apologize for it or deal with judgment. No one knows my situation but me. I think that's the lesson that has really crystallized for me in the last few days.

Of course I'm still grateful for my friends at home, I don't mean to exclude any of you. It's just that I am currently in the middle of a bout of appreciation for the amazing support system I've found at school.

I am maybe the luckiest person I know.


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