Friday, July 21, 2006

Oh sweet child of mine

Last night was ridiculous.

I remember drinking my entire bottle of Jager. I googled it later and thats like 12-13 shots. I also remember taking Sara and Shintau's vodka to the face with Sara and drinking some of Genevieve's rum. What I don't remember is anything after that.

I vaguely recall Ashley Stroud taking my clothes off and holding me up in the shower. I dont remember any of the barfing, but apparently it occured in copious amounts. I woke up in clothes that arent mine and I couldnt find my purse or my camera. I walked back to Gen's apartment in Ashley's sweats, a green tank top, NO bra, and my nice shoes from last night. I was carrying my sack of soiled laundry. Talk about the walk of fucking shame.

Apparently me and Gen walked around talking to lots of random people and high fiving them. Interesting.

Funny quotes from the last 24 hours:

-I wasnt raised to have my sisters touch me with their vagina hands.
-Jordan, am I superficial?
-Drunk guy on bus: I'm in love with this woman!
Me: Her name is Genevieve.
-Are you a science major? How many ounces is this?
-Jordan, I'm gonna put this ice cream in the keg!
-We lost the keg! (turns around) Found it!


At 3:45 PM, Blogger Pedro Bala said...

maybe you should drink less? even so, i can say you my kind of woman

At 1:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha... I'm glad more of the night continued to come back to me later so I could relay that information to you. Also I don't think you drank all your jager cause I remember having some and so did Ashley, but you know. Not like it makes a difference. Perhaps we should ask Laura and Brenda what happened, Laura apparently has funny quotes of me :)


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