Friday, July 14, 2006

For you I wont ever have rough sex with Molly Connelly again

I just finished the Kite Runner. Good book. I'm not usually too intellectual (like I need to tell you guys that) but sometimes I read something that just strikes a chord. That really happened with this quote:

"I wondered if that was how forgiveness budded, not with the fanfare of epiphany, but with pain gathering its things, packing up, and slipping away unannounced in the middle of the night."

I think I like it because its so simple but also profound. Plus, its definitely true. I mean, it probably struck a chord with me because I just went through the year-long process of "forgiving" Chris. I wouldn't say there was ever a moment when I thought "I forgive him for what he did" but there was definitely a moment when I realized it didnt hurt anymore. And when that moment came was when I was able to talk to him again and stuff. I have no idea when it happened, but it was more of a process than an epiphany. This little quote really captured exactly how I think that works. Well done Khaled Hosseini. If I ever become a writer I want my books to be filled with simple statements that reveal complicated things like that.

I wonder if I wouldve even liked that quote a year ago. Probably not. In 3 days it will be the year anniversary of him cheating on me, and I am honestly amazed at how much I have changed and accomplished and, most importantly, how much I've found out about myself in that year. Definitely the most tumultuous year of my life so far. So many ups and downs, but overall I think I'm a much better person than I was and that makes me happy.

I LOVE when books spark that kind of self-reflection. It's why I read so much. There's no feeling in the world like this catharsis.


At 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside you."


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