Thursday, July 13, 2006

I wish I could break your neck like you broke my will

I love my new car. Oddly enough, I think its the smell of it that I love the most. It smells so different from Funky Spunk, but in a good way. I also adore the moonroof, although I still find it sort of creepy how Robyn can talk to me as I fill up the gas tank. Of course, its a used car so it has its drawbacks- this weird humming noise when I accelerate, a slight shaking around 50 mph, etc. I'm ok with that. As long as it continues to function, I'm down.

I took OGD on it's second long(ish)-distance trip yesterday. We went to USC to visit Mary... and by "we" I must mean me and the mouse in my pocket. Mary and Tim's apartment is nice, I had a lot of fun. It's always relaxing to go there. Although I definitely saw an all-new and seriously offensive side of Tim, which sort of amused me. Watched some OC, the show I only watch with Mary. When I go there it makes me want to go to USC for grad school, but I still want to go to NYU more. But honestly, I'd be lucky to get into either, so whatev.

Speaking of school- I am SO excited to go back. I can't wait. I completely agree with Robyn in that I want this summer to pass in a montage of good moments and then *bam* I'm back at school. Then I'm going abroad, which I'm super-pumped about. Basically this year is going to be utterly amazing. The following year I write my thesis and take the GRE's, so I better live this one up. What I'm NOT pumped about is the fact that my parents are coming back tomorrow. It'll be good to see them and the poos, but it will suck to lose unfettered house access and to explain to my parents why the sink is broken.

Oh, and just for Cera, I thought I would point out that I returned to the lyrics game with the title of this little gem. And since I mentioned Cera, I might as well say that I am SO SO excited to see her soon!!! OGD's first rage is going to be AMAZING. Oh and also- since Friday the 21st is the ONLY day that Steve can see CERA before he leaves for Boston, and since I made plans with Lepp to go to the beach, these plans have morphed into a huge beach trip. Me, Lepp, Davies, Jakiel, and Fiore- Beach on the 21st. I can drive. We will rock. We will roll. We will rage. Woot.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

sorry to crush the dream plan, but you and fiore must have crossed wires. she has two doctors appointments on the 21st, and wanted to go to the beach saturday...

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Mackalicious said...

lol oops.... Cera

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe you passed Santa Barbara and didn't call me.

At 10:37 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

where did you call her mary? did you change it already? did i miss something? probably.


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