Saturday, July 08, 2006

Who put my phone in portuguese?

One of my favorite things in life is to take things out of context for added hilarity. And thus, I will describe my house this morning so as to paint a picture of the amazingness of last night.

On my camera were photographs of Jason and Greg (in their boxers) laying with the passed out Robyn in my bed. There were also pictures of actual male genitalia, as well as Jason's man-gina. There was an open bottle of Jager sitting between the hookah and the chips and dip next to my chair. My house smells so strongly of cigarettes and beer that I would say it pretty accurately replicates the scent of a frat house. Oh and the sink is broken and I dont know why.

Good moments:
I'm a grower, not a shower.
Yeah well I'm a bigger person than you.

Ok Im off to the beach with Davies. Poor molested Davies. Pictures soon to be posted on Facebook.

In other news, I am addicted to the L Word. Best show ever.


At 12:00 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

Pictures soon *not* to be posted on Facebook. lol.

Well maybe some of the normal ones...if there are any normal ones.

I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow.

At 1:42 PM, Blogger Mackalicious said...

In response:

1) I have been forbidden to post the pictures. Gotta respect the Davies.

2) Davies was passed out when Greg got in bed with her, it doesnt count.

3) You're right, its not a song lyric. Its what Davies said in the morning that almost made me die laughing. Woot.

4) NO our McDonalds do not say that, but I really wish they did. Photo op? I think so.


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