Friday, July 28, 2006

I'm fat, black, I can't dance, and I have two gay fathers

The last day has been amazing. Minus the rather crappy drive to Berkeley. Although that was actually much better with Beth than it was without. I got the PERFECT amount of drunk last night, had a great time, and took super amusing pictures. Plus, I'm getting closer and closer to having a non-awkward situation with Caleb.

FYI- I bought a ton of special rice crispy treats last night. I'm super pumped about eating them with my friends at home and (most of all) Abra!!! Me and Beth are SO coming to Santa Barbara for a day of rice crispy-enhanced beaching. It will be amazing. I'll bring the snacks.

Here's a non-comprehensive list of things that have amused me in the last 24 hours:
-Beth's text messages
-Gen taking pictures in front of Gamma Phi
-The shady guys that Gen pushed away from me
-"We be mob deep in bitches"
-"We should invite them to our party" "No we shouldnt"
-Gen stealing Tom's sign
-"I'm gonna go shoot myself in the hall" "I'm gonna go watch"
-The Ice luge (just go there)
-"You can't be a tease if no one wants you"

Oh and Abra- the eagle has landed. Sort of. More info later.


At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny - I just saw that movie for the first time today. "Hoooooolllld on...for one more day...just hoooooold onnnnn...." Lookin' forward to the treats.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

good lord i am so bored. please update your blog again oh mackley one.


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