Friday, July 14, 2006

In a way I'm ashamed of not being your first or your last- just your first cool enough to admit to

Things on my mind:

1) My parents are home now. I guess the debaucherous part of this summer is mostly over. That's definitely sad. Mostly though it feels weird because they haven't been here for so long. I expect to come home to an empty house (which is how I like it, sadly for me) but instead Im surrounded by family. On the upside, my mom did a lot of my laundry, they didn't find any evidence of foul play, and my mom fixed the sink. Woot.

2) I feel really bad that I didn't go to Idaho. Apparently my grandma cried and said how much she misses me. So I'm planning to go up there for a 4 day weekend in the middle of September. It should be good. I love my grandparents, and I even like Idaho in smallish doses. Woohoo seeing grandma and papa. I love old Texan people.

3) I got my work schedule for this week today and I randomly had 4 days off in the middle of the week, so I'm headed up to Berkeley. I am, once again, super-pumped. The drive will blow but the weather and the chillaxing will be well worth it. Unfortunately, a side effect of this is that I wont get to see Cera until I get off work and arrive at the 6 sleepover on Friday. Ah well, we have a whole week.

4) I post on this thing too much. Oh well.

5) There are a lot of people online and all of them are away. Useless, all of you.

6) I still really like the Kite Runner, but I apologize for the self-involved soliloquy you all had to read earlier. I was in an oddly introspective mood. I'm back to normal now.


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