Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I've never been so alone and I've never been so alive

Today was fucking exhausting. It went something like this:

8- Wake up to jackhammering, eat breakfast
9:30-11- Economic Analysis for City Planning (Lots of grad students, which makes me nervous. Small class, 3 problem sets and a final. Shouldnt be too bad)
11-12:30- History and Historiography in the Hebrew Bible (A sea of llamakes, or however you spell that. Should be good because it will allow me to simultaneously learn and piss off evangelical assholes)
12:30-2- History of Architecture and Urbanism (With Sara... we made a system where she sketches the buildings and I take notes. Teacher seems nice, hes apparently famous)
2:45- Appointment with Study Abroad Office (Got my classes approved)
3:30-5- American Studies class on LA (Rachel probably wont be able to get in, which makes me really upset... but the class looks badass)
5-6- Dinner at Gypsys with Pow Pow
6:30-10- Philanthropy Night
10-12:30- Membership Selection

I am hungry and I hope that tomorrow is as relaxing as humanly possible.


At 3:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

trust me, i've been there and felt that. and it IS good to be away from the house for a bit, even though i miss everyone ALOT. (however, i want to forewarn you that there has been drama caused in the past by people writing too much private stuff about gamma phi in their blogs, so try to keep this stuff to a minimum and NEVER write about MS. people will find it no matter how well you think it's hidden...i mean, i just discovered that lolo reads my xanga. haha.)
miss ya tons, bag lady!

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Mackalicious said...

Yeah, oops. I was just so tired last night that it slipped out without me really thinking about it. I hope not too many people saw it... :-/

Thanks for the reminder, my Parisian friend.


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