Saturday, August 26, 2006

I dont know how I would live with myself

**WARNING: Gamma Phi Overload!!**

Camp is over. The first day of recruitment is over. School starts on Monday, but not really till Tuesday. Our room is completely set up now and cleaned. Sara and Try built my loft and now I sleep above someone, which is new and weird.

I continue to feel more and more at home here in the house. The other night me, Teresa, and Sara all went to sushi (my first time!!) and walked around campus. We had a random adventure that featured climbing trees, taking pictures, composing lovely songs, and almost getting sprayed by a skunk. It was honestly one of the best nights ever, especially for how stone-cold sober we were. Well, thats not what I mean. Just that usually I dont feel like I bonded with people that much unless alcohol is involved. This time it wasnt, which was nice.

I totally have a rush crush. I can't write her name down here or anything, but I just loved her. Sara and Try did too. I basically just want to snatch her and make her my little. She's probably the only one so far that I'd be willing to spend all the money to take as a little.

Pretty much, everyday has its ups and downs. Thats normal. Im just thankful that I'm slowly feeling more and more at home here and less awkward with every day. There are so many people in the house that I want to be closer with, and Im hoping that will happen as I want it to. Also, I feel almost embarassingly attached to Sara Pacelko. I dont really know if she likes me that much, but at the same time I know Im being paranoid. I really feel like she could be one of those who is my bridesmaid in 10 years (if she plays her cards right).

I do love Gamma Phi, and part of the reason is because it challenges me in ways that nothing else does. Questioning my abilities makes me grow as a person, and thats awesome.

Pretty much.

**End Vomit-inducing Gamma Phi Contemplations**


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