Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Careening through the universe, your axis on a tilt

Sometimes I think I am so not Gamma Phi material. Sometimes I know other people think this. Oh well. I will just have to get over it. Recruitment camp is so not my thing.

My birthday was pretty up and down, moodwise. Camp was a damn barrel of monkeys, and then my doctors appointment, Ikea, Target, and the Greek Carnival all followed suit. Or not exactly. But it was good enough.

Now there are drunk people yelling outside my room and I just want them to shut up. I dont get to be drunk for 2 weeks, so neither should they.

I feel so confused by everything right now. I dont know what I think about myself, what I think about others, what others think about me, or how I should act. My life is like one huge awkwardfest, and Im learning to hate it, but also learning that it can be so great sometimes. But how do I make it great more often?

I miss Beth, I think she would make me feel better if she was here. Odd how you can love someone so much when you really know them so little.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

there's nothing like rush to fill you with self doubt and make you question 'how the fuck did i get in here?'. but don't sweat it, you just need to get back into the groove of school and i think things will be better.


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