Monday, August 21, 2006

I drive too fast at night because accidents happen to other men and not me

Today has been emotionally and physically exhausting.

Last night I drank, to make a long story short. It was fun. I came home around 3 and woke up around 7:30, and this is building on 3 previous nights of sleep deprivation. That, and the hangover, was probably not the best thing in the world for my mental state. As a result, I was in an incredibly foul mood for camp today. Even more so than usual. I just literally wanted to fucking croak the whole time. The only person who really noticed was Sara Pacelko, so she took me to dinner and we just sat on campus and talked for a super long time. It was an amazing conversation, and it made me feel much much better about everything, including any drama Ive had with her. I just love her and I hope we do that again.

Upon my eventual return to the house, every single one of my recruitment outfits was approved, thank the lord above. I am so fucking happy about that. No more worrying, no more even thinking about it. Yay. Then I went in and talked to our helper lady from Gamma Phi International (our CLC) and she was SUPER nice. It made me so happy how nice and understanding she was.

There is no relief in the world like releasing what you didnt know you were holding in. Catharsis is my friend. I think I'm ready to go to bed, sleep bountifully, and wake up feeling ready for the day of recruitment camp ahead of me.

I only have an hour of teenagerdom left. That freaks me out.


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