Saturday, August 19, 2006

Some things in life may change and some things stay the same

Well, I now officially live in the Gamma Phi house. And what an experience it has been so far. First we got the room we wanted (Icebox)... then we got switched to 125, which was supposedly bigger. After much discussion and controversy, we switched back to Icebox, where I currently live. I'm ok with that. Our room is cute.

Then came the second dilemma. Try had planned all along to bring her full size bed and I was gonna loft over it. But APPARENTLY we got some new furniture and this crazy lady for intl isnt letting us move it... so I set up my whole room with the knowledge that in a few days when she leaves it is ALL going to change. Sigh. Whatever.

Try went home for the weekend and Stacy isnt getting here till manana, so the Drunken Clam is getting off to a slow start, but I have faith. It will be awesome. Last night my room was lonely and I was overwhelmed by the amount of clothes I own, so I just slept in the Sara's room on Ehrmann's sheetless bed. I was SO tired. I showered but didnt shave or blow dry my hair.... Ive never been that tired before.

And along those lines, whats up with the midget showers? I better work on my squats before I attempt another shower.

I also went and met that old lady and got the job as her assistant. It should be fucking sweet. Reunited with Jeanna and Johnny and had some La Burrita. Said goodbye to Beth, which was terribly sad. I didnt cry though, so thats a step in the right direction I guess. God, Ill miss her. Shes probably one of my absolute favorite people, and not just in the house. So sad.

I forgot how much I love these people. I'm trying to change my actions though. Instead of making fun of the people I love, Im going to try being nice for a change. I realized recently that I am a huge bitch to Sara Harris and Pacelko... even though I LOVE them both. Why is that? Also, I tend to just say shit without thinking, which Im now making a concerted effort to stop. Some people tell me not to, that its funny, but I think people get the wrong impression about me. Oddly enough, Im probably the most sensitive person any of these people knows, they just arent aware of that because I seem to have the philosophy that the best defense is a good offense. Sigh.

Also, I am decidedly awkward with _______. Probably because I have unresolved feelings about our situation. Or lack thereof. Let's be honest, I still have a huge crush and it's probably never going to go away, but nothing will ever be done about it either. And I will always be jealous of every other girl, which is hard to deal with but Im working on it. Ah sad, but I'll learn to deal.

Overall, everything's good. Camp starts tomorrow, which Im less than excited about, but Ill live. School starts a week after that. I had a little bout of intense depression the night before I left, so that wasnt good, but I got over it. I'll miss Robyn and my mom a TON but Ill survive. And school will be fun.

Birthday countdown- 3 days
Legally drunk countdown- 1 year and 3 days


At 7:37 PM, Blogger Mackalicious said...

Oh silly girl, Ill miss you too. Its just that Ill see you at Thanksgiving and talk to you on the phone. Davies is incommunicado, sadly.

At 9:55 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

its true, i am. and it is sad. and im jealous that you're back at school, while i am ... at work. freezing.


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