Thursday, July 06, 2006

We're gonna burn Orange County down

Clearly I havent perfected the fine art of blogging (one of my least favorite words ever), as is evidenced by the non-deleteable existence of a post written by Cera. Ha. Well, thats fine. She's just a little creepy. I love her anyways.

I have made a choice about the nature of this blog (again, hating that word). Every title will be a lyric from the song I am currently listening to. If someone can please identify the song (without using any sort of lyric search) I will give you a prize. And I am not above sexual favors. Ha, kidding. Not that it matters, no one will get any of these anyways, unless I start busting out something Davies has picked up from me.

My house smells like eggs right now because my sisters girlfriend is having some. Its 1:30 in the afternoon. Guess its never too late for eggs.

I'm reading The Kite Runner and I dont know what I think yet.

Ok I just have a lot of random thoughts right now so I think I'll let them stew and come up with some sort of coherent entry later.


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