Monday, February 05, 2007

The wheels just keep on turning

Oh what an eventful 4 days.

First of all, Cirque du Soleil was AMAZING. The Indian food I had that night was also amazing. I was in a little bit of a funk all day though. I'm just having some trouble adjusting and finding my place here I think. Im working on it.

Saturday I pretty much sat around making more plans for traveling. I have completely finished booking my flights and hostels for the London-Venice-Rome-Athens-Tel Aviv leg of my journey. As for the Tel Aviv-Amsterdam-Prague-Barcelona leg, we've decided on dates and chosen the flights but havent purchased them yet. I'm so excited. We're going to be in Amsterdam for 10 days. TEN DAYS. Those will be 10 amazing days that I doubt Ill remember much of.

Yesterday I had a whole day to myself so I decided to go to Hyde Park and visit Speakers Corner. Its the only spot in London that has freedom of speech and congregation, so the crazies go there to preach their bullshit. Unsurprisingly, I loved it. It totally reminded me of Berkeley and made me feel at home. I listened to an insane man yell about how Jesus wasnt divine because he had to eat and poop. Wow. I brought some reading and my journal and hung out in Hyde Park for awhile, which was nice. It was gorgeous... until I had a brush with a little sexual assault.

It started when this middle eastern guy walked over and just stood in front of me until I said hello. He asked me where I was from, so I politely said America and tried to keep reading. Then hes like "where do you live?"... so I responded with "why" because that is a creepy question. His explanation was "I just saw you sitting here and youre beautiful and I just want to talk to you for a few minutes. I just want to see you listening to me." Creepy, right? So I was like "I'm really sorry, but Im busy," VERY politely. His response was "please just a few minutes." Basically this continued for like 5 minutes, increasing in intensity and creepiness, until I finally asked him if I was going to have to leave. At this point he looks at me and says "I SAID please" in a super threatening voice. So I looked at him and said "and I SAID no." Lucky for me, he just walked away. There were tons of people all around us, so I wasnt too scared, but if there hadnt been I have no doubt I wouldve been hurt or raped. I was afraid he was going to trail me after that, so I hung out for a long time. Scary shit. Ultimately, though, I had a good time by myself in the park. I need more alone time with my journal I think.

Last night I decided to go out with Katie and Emily in honor of the Super Bowl. Unfortunately, I got really trashed really fast and didnt even see a second of the game. Instead I made phone calls I dont remember (four times to Adam!!) and vomited all over my room. Oh and lets not forget that I simply could not remember the code to open my door. I ended up going to security and saying "Im too drunk to remember the code to my room, please help me." Dear sweet Christ. This morning I had 9am class. Obviously that didnt happen. I'm a hungover mess.

I leave for Norway in 4 days and Sara gets here in 13.

Oh and best thing ever:

I found a gay bar called "Brokeback Mount Me." SO GOOD.


At 10:35 AM, Blogger beth said...

for amsterdam, you MUST buy a disposable camera bc:
1. those pictures will be priceless and incredibly useful since you won't remember anything. : P
and 2. you definitely don't want to lose your digital when you're f'ed up beyond belief.


At 5:13 PM, Blogger robyn grace said...

man oh man i love indian food. we went in oxford and it was delicious.


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