Thursday, February 01, 2007

It's too late to apologize

I got my computer back and finally got the internet working. I also bought a new camera, which is being shipped to me soon.

Additionally, I bought a flight home.... on July 18.... from Barcelona... to SFO. I dont really know how this is going to work. But I do know when Im coming back to the US, even if thats just when Im moving into my apartment with Adam. I also bought a ticket from Athens to Tel Aviv for May 23, so I guess that means Im working my way to Athens between May 11 and 23. I still cant believe Im spending a month in Israel.

I got really drunk last night and had a complete mental breakdown. The moral of the story is, I love Adam and my new friends. Also last night I received the WORST pickup line of life. At one point in the midst of this guys 'game' he says to me "I knew you were from LA cuz youre so glamorous." Of course, being drunk and already an asshole, I looked him in the eye and said "shut the fuck up and get away from me." Poor man just walked away. Ha.

I go to Norway next weekend and tomorrow I see Cirque du Soleil, so Im excited.

I am so lucky to be here. I might be poor as a motherfucker when I get home, but its going to be worth every penny.


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