Thursday, February 08, 2007

Be my love, be my friend

I just realized what has to happen for me to be happy.

I need to stop being so needy and emotional. It seems like a viscious cycle, right? Im needy and emotional, so I get upset about that because I know Im stronger than that, which makes me needy and emotional. But its over now.

I realized that I am SO MUCH stronger than this. I dont need any of the people I think I do. I can do this completely on my own and I will be amazing. Thats what its about. I need to rely on myself and myself alone, and I KNOW Im strong enough for that.

From my friends I get the constant reassurance that thats true. Thats gone now. I need to remember it on my own. But seriously, theres no reason for me to feel weak at all. I just need to be confident in my ability to do this and stop relying on people at home.

So I'm going to stop talking to you people so much. I love you, but I need to separate from you. I need to push off and be on my own. Im physically alone but emotionally ridiculously dependent on you, and that has to change. It will be hard at first for me, but I know it will be good in the end.

I love you all and I thank you for the part that youve each had in my life. I cant wait to get back and let you have a big part again. It just cant happen right now. So, Ill say it one last time - I miss you. I love you.

But (and dont take this the wrong way) I dont need you.


At 9:06 AM, Blogger beth said...

you are an incredibly strong woman, jordan. : ) i love you and hope to be more like you someday.

p.s. however, this newfound independence does not mean you can stop updating this thing. i MUST hear about norway!!! hehe.


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