Monday, November 20, 2006

Sing you to coma so to speak

Wow, what a weekend. It all started on Friday night around 10:30. I was having dinner with Sara and Kelley and I mentioned that Try was at Disneyland that day... to which Kelley said "We should go to Disneyland... just kidding." She should've known: you DON'T joke around about Disneyland with me. I promptly decided that we WERE going, and we would be leaving at midnight. An hour and a half later I arrived at Kelley's apartment and we left the Bay Area with a single outfit each (which we were wearing) and almost nothing else. I fucking love spontanaeity.

The drive was so long, but Kelley helped me so it wasnt that bad. When we were almost to my house Kelley and I got to see the most incredible sunrise of my life. It literally took my breath away, it was so gorgeous. We got to my house at 6 am. My grandparents were there, but no one had told my papa that I was coming, so he was quite surprised. We slept in the living room for 4 hours and played with my puppies before eating an AMAZING biscuit and gravy breakfast from my grandma and leaving for Disneyland.

This is how I found myself standing in Disneyland with Sara, Kelley, and Mahsa a mere 12 hours after deciding (in Berkeley) that I wanted to go. Many pictures were taken, much caffeine and nicotine was consumed, the family-appropriateness of Disneyland was challenged several times over, and I basically had the best day ever. We rode everything I love. I saw the new Pirates of the Caribbean and got to experience the Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion. Space Mountain was done twice and I baa'ed at the goat on Big Thunder. I had vodka and Red Bulls at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney (on that note, Disneyland buzzed/drunk is the best thing ever). Sara and I had 2 corn dogs each (fatty mcfattersons). In general, an awesome day in a magical place.

We were staying at Sara's place, where there was a jacuzzi so fabulous that I practically orgasmed when I got in it. Holy mother of jesus. Then she gave us delicious plum wine, which promptly made me drunk since I was hungry and in a spa. Best sleep on a couch of my life. Which was followed by the best breakfast of my life in the morning. Unfortunately, it had some less-than-pleasant effects on our collective intestinal systems, but thats ok. Nothing a little Tums and a few stops on the roadside cant fix.

6 and a half hours later, we were back in Berkeley. That's right. I decided I was going to Disneyland, got there 12 hours later, and arrived back in Berkeley within 48 hours. I might be sleep deprived, but that was the best goddamn weekend of my life. I have amazing friends who I love even though they make me smoke outside while they "use the restroom" at the House of Blues. God, I'm blessed.

Probably the best part of the whole weekend was that I got a new, much cooler nickname. My sister had those cosmetic blue contacts and I wore them to Disneyland. They looked so goddamn trippy, Kelley wouldnt even look me in the eye. At some point Sara and Kelley were referring to me as Christ because I was saying that Jesus wanted us to come to Disneyland and they were saying that I wanted us to come. So a combination of those two things resulted in me being called "Crazy-Eyed Christ." BEST NICKNAME EVER. Unfortunately, I think Jesus foresook me with the aftermath of that breakfast.

Now I just need to write a paper and I can go home again for Thanksgiving. Hells yes.

Oh and date party was good too. I looked pretty, if I do say so myself. I shall post pictures soon, once I get them from Kelley. Holy crap Im lucky. I love my life.


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