Friday, November 24, 2006

My head is weak, my heart always speaks before I know what it will say

All this talk about Thanksgiving has been strange. What am I thankful for? I distinctly remember last year thinking "I have nothing to be thankful for." That's not true anymore, I definitely do... but what?

Basically, I have concluded that I am thankful for the things in my life that encourage and allow me to change. The last 3 years have been the most ridiculously change-filled of my life (and I know its just going to get more intense), and I am so thankful for my family and friends that have supported me through all of it. But seriously, my life is ridiculous. A little outline:

2004- I graduated from high school and chose to go to COC over Scripps. As a result, all of my friends moved away and I basically became Chris' wife. Robyn joined a sorority and I freaked out. Ha.

2005- I finished with COC, thankfully. My sister lost her virginity in a blaze of dramatic glory that summer, then became a lesbian. Chris cheated on me after three years. I moved to Berkeley, met Rachel, and entered a deep depression that would last for 6 months.

2006- Came out of my depression. I joined a sorority, became an alcoholic (and subsequently stepped away from that lifestyle), and started smoking pot. Made fast friends with Jeanna and had a very confusing crush on a girl. At home for the summer I totalled my car and drank a lot. When I came back to Berkeley I suddenly found myself with an incredible new best friend (Sara) and myriad other awesome new people in my life (Stacy, Lindsay, Teresa, Kelley). In the ultimate shift, I had another girl crush and decided that I am neither straight nor gay. Still figuring that one out. Oh and I started smoking :-(

And it only gets worse...

2007- Studying abroad. Traveling. Coming back to Berkeley, but this time without the support of Sara, Kelley, and Jeanna.

2008- Graduating. Grad school? Work? Homelessness? Something else?

My god, my life is insane. Luckily, I can say with complete honesty that I am happy where I am now. Things are confusing and constantly changing (which we all know I hate), but I know Im on the right path. Ill figure my shit out and I know Ill be happy.

So thank you to everyone who helped me through all this. That includes, but is not limited to, Robyn, Charlene, Megan, Steve, Kelley, Jeanna, Teresa, Lindsay, Beth, Stacy, my family, my doggies, Gamma Phi, my many spots on campus, and most of all- Sara, who is basically my guide through life right now. I love you all.


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