Monday, November 13, 2006

Each broken heart will eventually mend

I miss you. I won't say that to your face, at least not yet. You're hurting my feelings. Not in the same way that you were before, because I know to expect it now, but its not really better. I pretend it is, but its not. I guess I take what I can get from you, but thats not really fair.

Im hurt in a much more passive and accepting way now. I will live with this and be just fine, and I know that. I wont beg you to spend time with me. I want you to WANT to see me, not feel obligated. I dont want to be that friend that nags you into spending time with me. I just wish you did, because you clearly dont.

I hope its not because our friendship is fading, but maybe it is. Sigh. Well, for now I optimistically assume I'll talk to you tonight. If not, I'll assume it'll happen tomorrow. And if not then, sometime. I just miss you and your laugh. I miss doing nothing with you and studying with you all night. Ive learned to share, but that doesnt mean I like it.

I sound so pathetic, but Im not really. Just sad.


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