Thursday, November 16, 2006

Any day now I'll explode

I am so excited for date party. I wasn't really until I got all dressed up. Shanna did my hair and it is AMAZING. And who knew a dress from Ross could be amazing?! I certainly didn't.

I even have a date, courtesy of Kelley. Apparently she has some straight male friend who wants to go, so he's now my "date." Of course, we've never met and its not a date, but its pretty sweet that some guy is obligated to speak to me. And I've heard from multiple people that he's really awesome. Excellent.

In other news, I don't go to class anymore. And I'm never eating TWO special treats in one night again. It took like 24 hours for the effects to wear off completely. I thought the chairs were scientists studying me, and I came up with this elaborate story about how humans are just the guinea pigs of the chairs who really control the world.

Basically, it was totally awesome. This week rocks.


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