Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Forget regret or life is yours to miss


- The people across the way from me like to have loud sex. Like REALLY loud. It is absolutely the most hysterical thing ever. I adore it. Or is that creepy? Oh who am I kidding, I dont care.
- I just bought a ticket for Sara to come visit me in London!!!! Oh my god, I am so looking forward to this study abroad business more now. Goddamn, I give the best Christmas/Graduation/Birthday/every occasion for the rest of her life presents EVER. I have so much more confidence in my ability to remain sane in the upcoming semester now. Yay!
- I went to 3 out of my 4 classes today, which is AMAZING for me. I even went to my Jew Class. Top that, bitches.
- I finally know what my undergrad thesis is going to be about! It came to me in this really weird burst of inspiration in class today. Basically, I'm going to write about how the suburban environment effects the social order, but Im going to focus on popular culture. Pretty much, Ill be writing about American Beauty, Weeds, and Say Anything and what they reveal about how suburbia has changed the American Dream. I fucking love my major. I really hope this gets approved.
- My aunt is purchasing $80 worth of goods for me and my friends from her special club. The purchase is composed entirely of baked goods. I am pumped.

Basically, I am really happy at the moment. If only I didnt have to write a paper proposal in the next 24 hours and a paper draft after that.... damn college.


At 3:12 AM, Blogger beth said...

hahaha, as the previous occupant of your room, i share your strange appreciation for the loud sex people. doesn't she make it sound more painful than pleasurable though? that's what it always sounded like to me anyway...

and dammit, why am i missing the bake sale??? that sucks. i guess we'll have to meet up over winter break and have some fun of our own, ya?

At 12:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Omg... I want baked goods! :(

At 7:08 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

come visit me.


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