Monday, October 30, 2006

If love is a labor Ill slave till the end

Oh my god, last night was so amazing that I seriously hesitate to describe it on my blog because I know that I cant capture its radiance. I have never felt so clear headed and content. Its like I realized last night that none of the shit that I normally care about matters at all.

Being surrounded by people who know themselves as well as Sara and Kelley do is seriously a privilege. I just cant express it. I seriously fell in love with both of them in the last 24 hours. And in Sara's case, thats really saying something, since I already call her my best friend (besides Davies). I found a haven outside Gamma Phi... now I just hope that Sara doesnt mind sharing it with me.

It sounds so simple, but it just wasnt. It started off with good intentions, but then we lured Kelley in with cigarettes and ding-dongs. Then we drank wine. Then we went on campus and cuddled and talked. Then we drove to Emery Point and sat on rocks with our feet in the water and watched the sun come up. It was amazing.

After that we went back to Kelley's and fell asleep in a triple spoon formation for three hours. After waking up, we pretty much just laid around smoking, eating, talking, and cuddling until I absolutely had to come back to the house for meeting.

I LOVE making new friendships, reveling in good old ones, and living life to the fullest. Today rocks. The last 24 hours have been filled with radiance... thats the only way I can state it.

I know this did not do the experience justice. I know I will never be able to record it. But Ill always remember, and thats what matters.

This is a list of happy things for me to think about when Im upset next:
-Spidey Jones
-Emery Point Sunrises
-Triple Spooning
-Cigarettes and coffee
-Kelley's shower
-Aurora Borealis
-The tube and my painting


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