Sunday, October 15, 2006

Older chests reveal themselves like a crack in the wall, starting small and grow with time

We'll do this in bullet form again:

- I FINALLY finished my midterms and midterm papers. I spent all Friday morning writing a 5 page paper at the last minute, but its fucking done and my relief is palpable. I still feel the urge to go to the living room though, oddly enough, and find it strange that I dont have any pressing academic tasks.
- Sara's performance as Skyler Paks was just about the best thing of my life. Hilarious shit, my friends. Sara as a man is amusingly natural.
- Shintau's surprise birthday party went off without a hitch. She had no idea, yay. I, however, drank FAR too much. It wasnt even that much really, its just that I never go out anymore. I woke up barfing at 5:30 and did it every half hour till around noon. Dry heaving= not good. Also, barfing in your hands as you run to the bathroom= not good. I then proceeded to literally spend the entire day watching movies with my ass firmly planted on the couch.
- Ive been a terrible friend lately to someone who matters very much to me. I dont know why Im doing it, but I think its because Im afraid were getting too close and shell be able to hurt me. Im on the defense with her, when shes the last person in the world I need to be like that with. I just hope she stays patient with me and doesnt give up because Im totally neurotic. Gah.
- Talked to Davies today, and it made me really happy. Hearing a voice from home is always good, especially when were both in hungover pain at the same time, despite the fact that shes on the other side of the world.

In conclusion, I am feeling really good about my academic situation and my friends at home, but worried about my friends here. I need to work on it. I wish there was a reset button you could press on a friendship and just erase all the stupid things I've said and done. Too bad.

And on a happier note, I came up with the best idea ever. Over Christmas break, Sara is gonna come up and visit me in tha SCV and the two of us, plus Davies and Lepp, are gonna go to Magic!! It will be amazing! And if you object to paying for that, as I sort of do, we can do Disneyland instead, but the 4 of us NEED to hang out. Youll both love her.

Edit: I just bought my airplane ticket to go abroad. I guess this is really happening. I leave on January 15 @ 5 in the afternoon... dear sweet jesus.


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