Monday, October 16, 2006

You're guiltless and free, I hope you take a piece of me with you

So I FINALLY sat down with Stroud and sort of created a game plan for my European travels. So here is my tentative schedule:

January 15- Leave home :-(
January 16- Move into dorms
January 17- Orientation starts
January 22- Classes start
~February 24 through March 3- Sara comes to visit me!!!!
March 10 through 18- Spring Break, leaving it open so I can travel with folks I meet there
April 5 through 9- Easter Break, going to Athens and Greek Islands with Ashley
April 27- Classes end
May 9- Finals End
May 10- Leave London
~May 10 through 16- Hang out in Rome... the only part of my trip where I'll be alone
~May 17 through 20- Amsterdam with Ashley
~May 21 through 24- Return to Ashley's school with her (it is near Venice)... I'll probably stay in a hostel in Venice though
~May 25 through 28- Prague with Ashley
~May 29- Leave Europe :-(
~May 30- Arrive either at home, or in NYC to visit Teresa. This depends on whether or not she goes home for the summer.

So I'll either get home around May 30 or June 7, depending on T-dawg's plans.

I am so excited.


At 2:56 PM, Blogger beth said...

sounds like a good plan. just one question: why the FUCK didn't we all study abroad the same semester?!? god, i miss you guys and i'm SO excited for you both. europe = f'ing amazing times!!! haha. anyways, hope shit in b-town is going well. tell everyone hi for me.
love ya,
p.s. great song!

At 6:37 AM, Blogger robyn grace said...

that is going to cost a shitton of money.

but sounds very exciting :-)


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