Saturday, October 07, 2006

Dont lift me up with your strong intent on dropping me back down

I have been high for the last 24 hours, and it felt good. I ate way too much food, watched quite a bit of the Flava of Love, and saw a man I thought was dead. Turns out he was just super drunk and passed out on the sidewalk. Nice, huh?

Davies, I got your postcard and it made me super happy! I literally jumped up and down. Teresa thought I was nuts. Thanks a lot!!

Now, for the business- I have 3 midterms on Thursday. I am pretty screwed, but for the next few days its all business I think.

And for the personal- drama is lame and pisses me off. People make up so much stuff in their heads, and I just try to pretend none of it is happening. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. Gah. Oh well, I know what/who matters to me.


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