Monday, October 02, 2006

I buy my crack and smack my bitch right here in Hollywood

So in my last post I forgot to mention the best thing ever - they played Ok Go at the club I went to!!! This is a big part of why I said we'll be going for sure over Christmas break. Oh my god, so amazing. And on to some visual aids for all these blog entries:

My new piercing, because I can't really describe it accurately

Me and the new pupster, Kooty. She is SO CUTE.

I am so lazy, and I have so much to do. But such is life. I contributed positively to class for the first time this year today. I actually recalled something from Arch 170, aka naptime for Jordan and Sara.

Over the course of the 10 hours of driving I did this weekend without my Ipod or radio I really rediscovered some winners off of old random CDs. It's good.

I better go work on my problem sets. Sigh.


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was really excited when i saw that you included the picture of the puppy, then sad when i realized that you can't see the missing third leg. well, i guess you can't see a leg thats not there, but a picture of where the leg should have been. thats weird.


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