Thursday, October 12, 2006

You said tonight is a wonderful night to die. Look at all those stars, look at how goddamn ugly those stars are.

Its 4:30 am. I have a midterm in 5 hours and another in 8. I am fucked. There are 2 lectures I havent even looked at, but I think I need to sleep more. This is pathetic.

Ive been studying ALL DAY. No-Doze doesnt keep you awake for that long, and Im afraid to take more. But dude, was I alert for awhile.

I fucking hate midterms. This time tomorrow I will be slightly relieved, but still working on a paper. After Friday at 4pm I will fucking cry with joy. Then I will cry with laughter, because Sara is in a drag king show. She's singing "Sexy Back" and her name is "Skyler Paks." That is going to be AMAZING.

I have spent the last 48 hours in the living room with Sara, my computer, coffee, cigarettes, no-doze, and cookies. I feel collegiate in the worst possible way.


At 5:21 AM, Blogger beth said...

man, that negative collegiate feeling is one i'm all too familiar with...but good luck on all your shit. somehow we always make it through and the world keeps on spinning just fine...hehe. oh, and you MUST take pics and possibly video of this performance!!! i can't believe i'm missing that shit!!!!!!!!!


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