Friday, September 29, 2006

She is everything I need but I never knew I wanted

I cut my hair. I was walking down Ashby on the way back from my doctors appointment and I just sort of went in and did it. I have been wanting a change, so this is definitely it. I also REALLY want my tattoo, but I dont have the money. I might get my ear pierced in a weird place while Im at home. Clearly I need some change. Oh, but that brings me to the next point: I'm going home tonight. Im bringing Sara and Teresa, which makes me REALLY wish that Davies, Jakiel, and Lepp were home. You all seriously need to meet these people, you'll love them. Especially Sara.

Anyways, on to the main show: my new hair.

Tell me what you think! It's my shortest hair ever and it feels SO weird.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'm drinking you goodbye

Yesterday was amazing. I went on a cross-San Francisco walking extravaganza with T-dawg and it was so much fun. We managed to:

- go to the Love Parade, where we saw naked people, crossdressers, and all sorts of incredibly amusing folk.. Oh and someone random grabbed my ass :-/
- lay in the sun in the middle of the parade
- drink a bottle of wine, a bottle of pina colada stuff, and half a bottle of margaritas over the course of the day
- eat at the Stinking Rose
- go to a streetfair in Chinatown
- go to City Lights Bookstore (owned by Ginsberg), where I bought a copy of Howl
- ride a Cable Car
- go to Ghirardelli Square and buy delicious chocolate

In general, we walked from Powell street (far east side of the city) to a pier on the other side of Ghirardelli square (far west side). SO much walking. So hilarious. It took all day, but it was pretty much amazing.

I may not be going to the football games I paid for, but this was so worth missing it. I just wish Pacelko had been able to come, as planned.

In conclusion, I <3 San Francisco and Teresa.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I'll be fine, just give me time

Is it normal that I get this upset when the people I love are upset?

I remember once when I was like 9 Keltie started crying because her mom wasnt going to take us to Chuck E Cheese anymore. I didnt even want to go, but I got so upset at her tears that I started crying. Megan made fun of me and asked me why I was crying, and I didnt really know. That was when I started to realize that its not exactly normal to have this big of a heart.

Its like I just walk around with my heart on my sleeve. The slightest brush up against anything can bruise it. I've begun to learn how to put it away, to a certain extent, but when I love someone I just cant. And I love my friends.

Last night me and Teresa talked about how that's my flaw, and its so true. I am incapable of putting myself first, its always the people I love first. Ironic, because I bet 99% of the people I know would think that was hilarious. I've done a fantastic job of cultivating a sense of irony and sarcasm. The best defense is an offense, as they say.

I hate feeling like my emotions are completely dependent on other people when I have so little influence over those people... but there we are. I just wish I could stop it. Some would perceive this sensitivity as a strength, and its probably good for those I love, but it will kill me if I dont get a hold on it.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I never knew that everyone I knew was waiting on a que to turn and run when all I wanted was the truth

Today was amazing. I slept in, did football parking, drank at TKE (a good amount, it was fun), watched the L Word, did some shit for Sara, and smoked some delicious cigarettes (chocolate).

House retreat manana... I'm not excited, but it shouldnt be bad. I love that beach.

All this fun comes at the expense of my homework and my semi-normal relations with Chris. Whatever, neither of those things are of prime importance in my life at the moment. Sigh. More later.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

She tied you to a kitchen chair, she broke your throne, she cut your hair

I feel so nauseous right now. I don't know why, but it's pissing me off. Gah. I have a lot of reading still. Facebook is down and its making me angry. Don't they know college students dont sleep?!

Additionally, I want to go home. I feel weird here right now. I am having issues and mixed feelings. I need to detach from some people and diversify my friendships more. I cant explain my actions sometimes, and tonight is one of those nights. Learn where the line is, Jordan. Jesus.

Ah well, tomorrow's a new day. But this situation will never go away... sigh

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oh my god

So I've never slept this much in my life. Here's a quick rundown of my last 24 hours, most of which were spent asleep.

midnight-10:30: Normal Sleep
12 noon: Lunch
1-4:30pm: Nap
8: Dinner (which was AMAZING)
9-11:30pm: Another Nap
11:30-Now: Watch Bridget Jones' Diary and eat ice cream

So basically I slept all day with brief punctuations of eating. I almost hope Im getting sick to justify the intensity of my sleeping schedule.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Let me find the moment, let me find the place

It's been awhile, I know. It's been just about the busiest few weeks of my life. The only reason I can write this now is because I'm firmly entrenched in Idaho, where Im visiting with my grandparents. It's essentially the life of luxury. I sleep in a king size bed with its own bathroom, my grandma makes me whatever I want to eat, the dessert is plentiful, and there were just peacocks and deer roaming about 5 feet from where Im sitting. I love it here. Of course, I miss the folk at home, but such is life. At least Ill get a lot of reading done.

A lot of stuff has happened since my last post. We got the new members and Im SUPER excited for them. They all seem really cool in very different ways. My crescent sister actually called me and we got gelato yesterday, and she was super cool. I've gotten a lot closer to a few of the people in the house and had a lot of fun. I love my roommates to death. I went to my first Membership Education Dept meeting and it was really cool. I think Im going to love seeing how things work behind the scenes in Gamma Phi. Unfortunately, Ill never be able to have a position in the house, but this is as close as I can get. And I actually enjoy helping Sara. I hope she lets me do real stuff, not just bitch work.

I miss my rage crew and my mom. Oh, speaking of my mom... she got another dog. And not just any dog. She got a 3-LEGGED dog. Of course, how typical for my mom. She thought no one would adopt it, so she took it home herself without even consulting my dad first. Last I heard it had not been named, but I was pushing for Peg. Ha.

Side note: The new facebook was super creepy until they changed the privacy settings. Now its ok again. I dont mind stalking other people, I just dont want them stalking me.

I'm disappointed with the exceedingly low level of witty commentary in this post, but oh well. Hopefully I'll improve later. Peace out homeslices.